September 8, 2010

Been So Loooongg....

I've received a few messages inquiring if I could update the blog with more information, updates, recipes, product info, my own regime, etc.

Let me first apologize. From February until now, AyurNatural Beauty has experienced a lot in terms of growth, as well as headaches. My first priority is to see to customers' satisfaction and that means getting orders out in a timely manner and doing what's necessary to keep this store running efficiently. But it seems that everyone from suppliers to postal carriers to my own host company would like to keep that from happening. I also went on a mini frenzy of store updating and expansion that's still not done. I'm testing out new products as I type this. Blog posting became secondary and I found it was easier to make quick posts on Facebook and/or Twitter than to write blogs regularly. I'd squeeze some info into a newsletter, but the blog has been dormant.

Don't get me wrong. There's much I want to share. Some things that I specifically want to address as well. Anyone who asked a question via email or private message on a forum receives an answer, its just this blog that had been neglected.

To be be fair, this did start with the blog not working for a short period of time. Some say they have not been able to post comments and I wasn't able to properly make posts without a good formatting... but still... let's start again, shall we?

I'll touch upon some of the things that others have already requested first, but if there's anything that you would like to see specifically, let me know!


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