August 3, 2009

Taking Care Of Business!

It's been over a week since I made my first entry. That's not good... Yet, I have good reason. I have been super busy with orders coming in every day, meeting with my suppliers to get more items, and making sure your orders are sent out expediently!
I anticipated good response, but the speed of this response has me humbled and amazed at the same time. No worries though, I can keep up!

I have to give special thanks to the ladies of 4a on for their support and for spreading the word along with their orders. I also want to thank the ladies on for giving me the opportunity to assist them. Extra shout out to Kinky Rhonnie who has been so supportive from the very beginning - a true big sister. Thanks for even thinking to interview me. I'd never been interviewed before, not even for all my years in corporate and in real estate! It was fun!

Well, enough of all of that. Back to work! I'll be back again... much sooner this time... with some good information that all of you can carry with you....


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